Attention to the staff of the Batumi High Maritime Engineering School Anri!

Attention to the staff of the Batumi High Maritime Engineering School Anri!

Traditionally, at the end of each year we recognize the best of the year by secret ballot!

A secret ballot for the best BUSS Henri 2022 employee and best Seafarers' Training and Certification Center instructor will be held from December 12 to 26.

All BHMES Anri employees are eligible to vote and will be sent a list of candidates to their personal emails, with a link to vote.

Candidates for Best Employee are all full-time employees except for the general manager, head of development and quality assurance services, head of vocational education and head of the seafarers' training and certification center.

In order to make an objective and fair choice, the voice of every employee is important.
good luck!
Thank you for your cooperation!